In MY LATEST VIDEO, I discuss immunity, the therapeutic value of shooting baskets and other solitary pursuits, and how this relates to the one and only Larry Joe Bird.
Immunity is more important than ever. I intend to place increasing focus on it in my work moving forward.
Why I’m Obsessed with Larry Bird Videos
Please support my work promoting natural health, success, and freedom during these critical times at SubscribeStar.
To your health and fitness…
Patrick Rooney is the Founder of Its focus is natural health and independent living. Patrick is the author of GREEK PHYSIQUE: The Simple, Satisfying Way to Sculpt Your Body—Even if You’re Old, Weak, or Broken Down; and is also the creator of Greek Yoga™ and the Greek Yoga for Beginners video. He offers health and fitness consulting worldwide via phone and web conference. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].