The Leftist liberals have done all that they can to destroy what is good – all because of greed, wealth, and power. Not knowing that they are playing right into Satan’s hand. He is the real leader of all this. But the liberals think that they are truly running the country. They did all they could to eliminate Trump because he represented the people and loved his country.
For one fairly short period, Trump had this country in a place that made you proud to be an American. But even Christians and liberals hated him because he was arrogant and spoke his mind. He was a man who was sure of himself and did not take any mess. The very people who don’t like him are weak and are jealous that they don’t have the courage he has.
Rest assured, God will not choose a leader because they have fear. God used him because Trump had the courage and did what was right no matter what. Blacks called him a racist, whites said he had a big mouth, and the world hated him because he stood up to evil leaders. But all enjoyed how he, for instance, turned this country around. And if you listen carefully, those same folks wish he was back.
Many believe his arrogance made him lose his job, but God will allow certain things to happen so that He will get your attention. God could care less about his “arrogance.” God knows his heart–not what these folks think of him.
But in reality, how many know what is truly going on? If we all knew what happened “in the days of Noah,” what makes you think it would not happen again? God is judging America and the world because we will not repent and ask for forgiveness.
Folks are pleased that “Roe V Wade” was overturned; I am too, but you hear folks saying that at least we will save lives now. Oh really? We have killed over 61 million babies, and we are proud that we will now save lives? Where were the so-called preachers when we were killing then and still are killing babies in the womb to this day?
Even one baby in the womb killed is too many. And it is all political. Even our President (Biden) supports abortion and made it an executive order that you can travel to other states to have an abortion where it is legal. Folks are fighting to still have babies killed in the womb, including so-called Christians. And blacks are leading the way among other races of people.
Failed Church
Churches have failed to fight for what is good and right; they just preach and say nothing. They like to see themselves preach and give clever talks to get the folks all riled up just so that they can control you and make sure you tithe regularly. And whatever you do, do not park in their parking spot!
Of course, some churches have the folks’ true interests at heart, but they are few and far between; these preachers have no gain or purpose but to guide the folks in the right way. But most of the preachers today are just Satan’s pawns and think they are serving the Lord. That’s the big deception.
Speaking of deceptions, this pandemic was one of the biggest deceptions of our times, and it was used to bring a country down to its knees and control the masses. Satan sold us fear. Even after two years of this deception, folks are still wearing masks and taking the phony vaccine to control them. There are churches even to this day still requiring you to wear a mask to listen to their empty sermons. Folks are still going around, afraid that they will catch COVID. Of course, there is the virus, but it is no more dangerous than the flu.
As I said, folks, we are living in times not seen in centuries. Society has degraded to the point that anything goes, whatever you want to do. The rule of law is now nonexistent; it’s not about justice; it’s about just evil and whatever you can get. Our political system has run rampant and out of control, allowing evil to take a foothold in society. Satan has successfully gotten people to disagree and fight over nothing, issues that are not bigger than saving America and bringing back its luster of old. I believe we will get back our shine, but it will never shine as bright as before.
God has given us many warnings, none more than “9/11,” which was a clear warning that we need to repent. But we did not listen; now, he has turned us over to evil people to rule over us. God has removed the hedge of protection over us.
Final “Trump”et
I believe the last-ditch effort is to show men and women what strength is through Donald Trump. Trump has no choice but to run again for President; I believe it’s his calling from God. I believe this will be his last warning to America, and this will show you where you stand. It will show whether you are for good or evil. This upcoming midterm and next presidential election will determine where this country will go.
I’m sticking with Trump because he stands for good and loves God and the country. No man that I know of has endured and taken so much heat from the world and still stands without fear; only a man with God behind him can do so. You and I would crumble under the wave. Even his family is telling him not to run because they cannot stand the strain. But they don’t have God behind them.
Folks, you need to see that we are in the times of “Noah,” and God has Jesus waiting in the wings for his Son to grab up those folks who put up the good fight and stood for good over evil. For those just sitting around waiting, I have news for you: You might just be left behind. God needs men and women without fear.
It’s clear that minds can change because of the warnings God has given us. But America is fast going down a path that may be too late to turn around. Folks have allowed too much evil to prevail when we could have prevented it. People got too comfortable with things of no importance. We were told by lying preachers that wealth and being prosperous was the way to go, that giving to them would make us wealthy. We were told to give all to the church, and God will give to us. While we were listening to the lie, the preacher was not warning us of what was really happening in our government. The average preacher today is not really a minister at all but just in the business of power and gain.
Evil “good” and Good “evil”…
We Christians have become so numb that we now allow homosexuals and transgenders to preach over us, including women. When the Bible said that good would become evil and evil good, you would never have thought that we would really see it. But the entire world is now just that. It is now in reverse. Governments are now practicing the same playbook as it was played during Nazi times.
God will not be mocked, and you will have to decide whether you stand for good or evil. Your decision will be clear whether you are for God and his Son, Jesus–or for Satan.
This midterm election and coming presidential election will be the most important ever in history – for the world, as a matter of fact. Why? Because it will be for good or evil.
This is the world’s last chance; I believe there will be no more warnings. I believe Jesus’s return is imminent. It is going to happen, as the Bible says. Jesus will come like a thief in the night. As usual, most will be going about their business, not paying attention rather than being prepared. But the rapture will happen, and suddenly.
I will do what is right in the eyes of the Lord so that I will not miss His return, and that can be anytime now. I must still go to work, pay my bills, and trust that God will provide. I must continue to pray and have faith.
A good friend asked me, how is it that we are making it through all that has happened? Who or what is sustaining us? We certainly are not sustaining ourselves. God is sustaining us and is protecting those who believe in Him and his Son, Jesus.
We cannot love Jesus and NOT love Israel!
And for those who love Israel:
Don’t believe for one second that you can love Jesus and not his beloved land, Israel and the Jews. It’s where it all started. Israel is what we must keep our eyes on, the center of life for the world. We must pray for the people and the land of Israel.
We must not have fear.
I’m excited to be able to see what is going on. I thank God that I can see what is happening.
Satan’s end… What is ours?
Satan will not prevail, but he will have you thinking that he will. He knows his end and just wants to take as many with him as possible. After all, did he not take a third of the angels with him when kicked out of heaven? And those same cronies are doing his bidding and following him as if he is God.
Folks, we are beings created by God for his glory. We cannot possibly know how He thinks or know His ways, but he is a just God. I suggest that we so-called Christians turn in our ways and repent. And know that God is God, that He needs no one’s help, and that we need Him in everything.
God has given men and women to be watchmen on the wall. We need to listen and hear the truth without fear. And we must pray for Israel and the Jews.
Robert Campbell is a Christian American Republican “who happens to be black.”
He loves to paint and draw, and to write articles.
Robert has been writing for Rapture Ready, and Rapture Forums for several years.
He loves the Lord and wishes to get the information out regarding what he believes is going on in America and the world today.
He believes that men of all races need to stand up and take back their rightful role as men.
To contact Robert, email him at [email protected].
No man of God would tell the people that what is mass murder and genocide through manipulation of the dna code, God’s creation! …lied to all as some sort of cure, is good and he doesn’t want to hear a bad word about it.
That is called betrayal in the worst way, and how any person of moral standing can still support him is evidence of a really broken moral compass. One cannot simply excuse this away. Denial runs deep in this personality cult. has maybe 1-10% of the actual victims who were lied to znd coerced into taking real deadly poison.
I have no idea what your talking about, nor do I care,all I do know is that you have a one track mind.
Your so focused on the vaccine and Trump that you missed what I was writing about.
Thats because you have hatred in your heart.
Once you saw that I mentioned Trump you went into a zombie state and missed the whole message.
So as I said, nobody cares what you think nor will I be concerned.
Folks from around the world have told me to keep writing.
As I have for ten years or so.
No man is perfect nor did they see this coming, all except you the all knowing and loves to overtexted Fabian.
And please stop with the judging me according to your perspective.
I know im a Christian, and I certainly know it now.
But thank you anyway for reading, and I love you.
Im a Christian American Republican that happens to be black.