Being a native Californian with great love for the state, I’ve been wanting to weigh in on the heartbreaking Los Angeles fire tragedy since almost the beginning, but at first I didn’t know what to say. Yesterday I worked on a video that highlighted an excellent post titled Why Los Angeles Is Burning.
I never did get the video out (multiple issues), and at some point a number of videos were out there essentially dealing with the same points, so I let the project alone.
The above article stands by itself, and brings up some eye-opening facts about how political failures contributed mightily to the ongoing apocalyptic destruction we are witnessing. This in itself is finally shocking many residents of Los Angeles of the Golden State–even some celebrities–-into acknowledging the harsh reality of the choices they’ve made for “leaders.”
I urge anyone who wants to change your future for the better to read and consider the article. Otherwise “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
But that is not the biggest reason I am writing today. I was pondering what I might be able to say to the person who has perhaps lost everything. I don’t know what I or anyone can say. At a certain point, when we have lost everything except our LIVES and hopefully our loved ones, perhaps only then can some of us begin to truly appreciate the life that God has given us. Surely it has worth far beyond our material possessions.
Why California?
To begin to understand “why,” it starts with a concept some do not believe exists–evil. And what evil most relishes is to destroy that which represents the most GOOD.
We can see this principle in action in some key areas of life. For instance, God’s church was started by the Apostle, Peter. The Catholic Church sprung from this righteous beginning. But Satan set out to destroy it, and over the centuries, much corruption has grown within, including the Spanish Inquisition, numerous reported incidents of pedophilia within the Church in the United States alone, and a current Pope who openly works with Communists.
I’m not picking on Catholics here, I was born and raised Catholic myself, and am merely making a point about who Satan chooses to target and why.
Think of the Boy Scouts, once one of the greatest and most important organizations in existence to shape the capability and character of boys and young men.
The Founder of the scouting movement, Robert Baden-Powell, a Brit who was a national hero in the South African war, wrote the original Scout’s Oath:
“On my honour I promise that–
- I will do my duty to God and the King
- I will do my best to help others, whatever it may cost me.
- I know the Scout Law, and will obey it.”
The current Scout Law–even in morally relative times–remains solid:
“On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”
Because of their moral stand, the great Boy Scouts were indeed attacked. In recent times, the organization took on a “woke” agenda, and was infiltrated by homosexual Scout leaders, leading to numerous allegations of sexual abuse, and now allows GIRLS and transgender Scouts (BTW, have you ever wondered why the GIRL Scouts don’t allow BOYS to join?). The original purpose has been destroyed–Satan triumphing again.
“Morally straight” can easily collapse without firm belief.
Again, this isn’t about going after anybody here–I’m just pointing out how Satan works, and that is to destroy–if possible–all that is good. When you destroy good, you destroy the works of God. And Satan acts THROUGH HUMAN BEINGS.
So in asking “Why California?”, I believe it is for the very same reasons I have discussed above. California was once considered the greatest state in America by many. Everybody, it seemed, wanted to come there.
I was born and raised in Southern California in the 60s and 70s, and though it had its issues even back then, compared to now it was a paradise on Earth! Think of all the amazing beauty, variety of topography, and myriad of opportunities minus the influx of illegal aliens, homeless (a great percentage of whom are drug-addicted), criminals, over-crowding, and political corruption issues of today!
A whole lot of people STILL enjoy California to this day, but these apocalyptic LA fires with their relentless wide path of destruction are fast marking an end to the state’s livability.
Reasons for the Fall
The article I referenced at the beginning of this post well chronicles much of the “how” of LA / California’s destruction. And I’ve explained the “why” from my perspective. But to put the “how” and “why” together, look again to the way God works through people. He works through us for good and bad.
I’ve always been interested in “the news,” as my dad was a prolific news consumer (radio / TV / several local newspapers), and I “got the bug.” I remember seeing a story in one of those papers of how the then-Governor, Ronald Reagan, had achieved a budgetary surplus. He had inherited a major budget deficit, and worked hard to fix it, as well as many other serious state problems, including dealing with near-anarchy on California college campuses. Watch this Reagan “mic drop” moment.
We all know that Reagan went on to become the President of the United States, and while no President is perfect, I believe he was one of our very best. I’m reading his autobiography, and it is truly amazing to understand the wide range of crises he steered our country through.
Ronald Reagan was not only a great California Governor and U.S. President, he was above all a decent man with strong moral convictions. After he was shot by a would-be assassin shortly after he became President, Reagan really buckled down, understanding that the bullet landed a fraction of an inch from his heart, which would have killed him (interesting that a very similar situation occurred with President Trump). Reagan realized that God had spared him, and he vowed to do his Father’s work in whatever time he had left. Reagan ended up not just changing California but deeply changing the world. One pointed example of that is that after he left office, we finally saw the fall of the Berlin wall Reagan so boldly and eloquently called for.
In contrast, one could almost call current California Governor Gavin Newsom the “anti-Reagan.” Here’s Newsom bragging about removing a dam that held water so desperately needed in this current wildfire crisis.
Here’s a news article about California farmers complaining that NINETY FIVE percent of water collected in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has been dumped into the Pacific Ocean!
There’s no way to spin this. Gavin Newsom is responsible for California dumping untold amounts of water into the ocean–ostensibly to save a small fish! This is anti-human, and could only be inspired by the father of lies!
It’s not just Newsom’s policies, horrible as they are. Who can’t look at this man and clearly see a snake-oil salesman? He’s not a good man. Yet Californians, many of you ELECTED him! You may be mad at him now, but he’s counting on you forgetting about that soon enough.
You already had the chance to Recall him, but he successfully beat that. Was the election on the level? And recently, Governor Newsom signed a law that makes it ILLEGAL for local authorities to even ASK voters to present ID in elections! How can ANYONE spin this into being a positive? And where’s the outcry?
LA / Cali Corruption
It is ILLEGAL to enter the United States without permission, yet Los Angeles is a SANCTUARY CITY! If you live in the city of Los Angeles, your City Council recently voted UNANIMOUSLY to make this happen!
The Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass, has a history of actively supporting COMMUNISM, and regularly made trips to Cuba while Fidel Castro was in power. Here she is attempting to back away from that support.
Bass left Los Angeles just prior to the start of the raging fires, to attend the Inauguration of the Ghanaian President on the taxpayer’s dime, knowing that wind and fire warnings were increasing.
By now you’ve likely seen the footage of a reporter attempting (to no avail!) to get LA Mayor Bass to respond to the understandable criticisms of her actions. Just in case you haven’t seen, here it is, and it is something of a classic!
And I cannot end this section without mentioning the Los Angeles Fire Chief, Kristin Crowley. She is a proud lesbian, who appeared at a “gay pride” rally in her uniform, representing EVERY Los Angeles citizen. Crowley has clearly stated that “diversity” hiring is a central part of her role. How much has that focus negatively affected the current situation in the city? We may never know, and we never should be in a position to have to wonder about it!
If your sole focus isn’t hiring the BEST, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, then we have a problem!
People of Los Angeles / California, these are NOT Godly people! Even if you do not believe in God, clearly you can see that they are devoid of wisdom, and are driving the city and state off a cliff! And yet, they are FAR from the only ones.
Democrats hold a commanding SUPERMAJORITY in the California legislature. And the state’s coastal metropolitan areas (i.e.: Los Angeles, etc.) have become Democrat much faster than the rest of California!
Do not forget this for the future–you CAN change the future if you so desire! But you have to examine your current priorities, and have to be willing to be unpopular among some of the population. The alternative is trying to get everyone to like you while your great state falls apart!
Your choice.
What About “US”?
Politics cannot be separated from morality. Like it or not, the mechanics of “right and wrong” affect EVERYTHING! We cannot divorce ANY aspect of our lives from this immutable fact.
But it is not just watching out for and changing who is “leading” us politically, though that is HUGE. As I’ve alluded to in this post, we must open our eyes to see who and what is leading our lives. We must be willing to look at the corruption IN OURSELVES that helps elect corrupt leaders, and leads us in a downward direction.
This is where it always returns. It’s always about US! Who have we become? I began by saying that Satan always prioritizes destroying the good. And WE are the good creation of God. Satan hates our special relationship with Him, and will stop at nothing to destroy it, and destroy us.
It’s time we recognize the amazing gift we have been given, and protect it with our lives.
Patrick Rooney is the Founder of He promotes natural health, success, and freedom during chaotic times. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].

Nice input, Tim, of course I totally track. I was pretty young during that time, and I guess you’d say I ended up drifting into the hedonistic lifestyle you described later. By the mid Seventies, the Eagles recorded “Hotel California” (“You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave…”). I remember watching them perform that song and others (“Life in the Fast Lane,” etc.) at the Forum in Inglewood, where the Lakers played. Funny, as I think, so many good times, but they blended into bad times too! I had a lot of hedonist in me, and California was too happy to oblige me! And yet, I love the state for many good reasons too. After all, it is a beautiful gift from God. You just need to treat it as such! And yes, I found out about Roy and what he was doing, went down there, met some great people, and began to wake up to a whole new… but yet quite familiar… reality. As the song says, Tim, “Thanks for the memories!”
I lived in California from 68 to about 74 although much of that time was in the Navy and at sea, Reagan was governor and the Beach Boys were the epitome of what it meant to be a Californian at least. “As California goes, so goes the nation” used to be a common saying and belief. But I could see the trouble coming and exactly as you said, Evil prioritizes destroying the good”. I came in the marijuana and other drugs becoming commonplace, it came in people from all over going to the Golden State and bringing their bad lifestyles with them, in came the making of Hollywood into a place to be worshipped, abode of gods and goddesses. That was also where I first encountered Roy Masters on the radio speaking good sense and morality which was such contrast to what I normally heard. Good article, and the picture says it all.