Hello All!
In case anyone’s paying attention, things are getting a bit dicey on the national security front. The Brandon administration seems hell-bent on “poking the Bear” and pushing us into a conflict with Russia that we may not be able to control.
I’ve dealt with this issue on some past LIVE Streams, but have not been able to deal with it for a bit. It’s been too long.
THIS Saturday night 5/21 at 6 PM Pacific Time / 9 PM Eastern Time (U.S.), my video podcast DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE will air (LIVE) a no-holds-barred discussion of this pressing issue, with my friends BRIAN J. POMBO (a business growth strategist and marketing coach with a personal connection to Ukraine, and a fascinating story to tell), artist and writer ROBERT CAMPBELL (“A Christian American Republican Who Happens to Be Black”), and inventor/activist FABIAN ASENSIO, who has been passionate on this issue since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war.
I have a lot of questions for my friends and others, with the intent to get real answers to these critical questions we face. THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
I hope you can join us as a viewer and/or in the “Chat.” It’s time we made our voices HEARD!
We hope to see you THIS Saturday night at 6 PM Pacific Time / 9 PM Eastern Time!
To Your Health, Success, and Freedom!

Patrick Rooney is the Founder of OldSchoolUs.com. He communicates clearly and fearlessly during perilous times about natural health, success, and freedom. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].
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