Hello Everybody!
It sure was fun coming back Saturday night with a new Live Stream. If you missed it, and if you care at all about these shows, this is one you’ll want to see.
“HOW to PRAY to GOD (Part III)” with MARTIN FRANCIS (“Bible Go-To Guy”), FABIAN ASENSIO, and writer and artist ROBERT CAMPBELL aired Saturday night at 6 PM Pacific Time / 9 PM Eastern Time.
Everybody on the panel is my friend, and someone I respect. But that didn’t stop us from going at it!
I made sure to include Robert Campbell, who has been a guest on my Podcast (and one that people really enjoyed), because I knew Robert had a different point of view from myself and our other panelists regarding meditation. I wasn’t disappointed!
Challenge can be the best thing for us, because it causes us to defend, and sometimes even amend–our position if we’re open to that. And it gives the viewer a more well-rounded perspective.
HERE IS THE LINK to last Saturday night’s stream
I did keep my promise, and dripped a little surprise content during the show toward the end. It fit right into the show’s topic of HOW to pray to God.
I’ve also included some new production features, which I hope you enjoy, and I did keep busy, playing with everything!
Below are links to the other parts of this series:
LINK to Solo Show I did on this topic
Let me know if this kind of content is useful for you. I have other topics planned for the future, but feel free to tell me if there are certain topics you’re interested in seeing on the show.
To Your Health, Success, and Freedom!
Patrick Rooney is the Founder of OldSchoolUs.com. He communicates clearly and fearlessly during perilous times about natural health, success, and freedom. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].
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