Everything old is new again.
Peter Allen
The passions of my life have converged. My interests have finally come together—Old School™ is here! It has always been in my bones. I just never saw it so clear until recently.
My father was a World War II Navy veteran who went through some rough experiences in the war. He was a plumber—a simple, blue-collar guy with emotional complexities. My mother was a homemaker, as they used to call it, and I’m sure some still do.
They were products of the war, and the Great Depression before it. They were Old School, I guess you could say, before Old School was cool!
We lived a middle class lifestyle in a middle class neighborhood. The families who lived there all had their challenges like my own; and like mine, they held up a set of timeless values, even as they could not live up to them.
Those values were rarely challenged, as they were considered self-evident.
We hold these truths to be self evident…
My parents—and many of our neighbors—were Catholics, and Democrats. They were different from many of today’s Democrats—they flew the flag at every national holiday, they believed in life—at every stage. Marriage—between a man and a woman—before having kids was the norm. The value of work was paramount. Our nation’s borders were respected without question.
I grew up in the Sixties, over the hill from Los Angeles, in the San Fernando Valley. It was a beautiful place, the state of California (under Governor Ronald Reagan) actually had a budget surplus! I remember reading that in the daily paper.
This world doesn’t exist now, certainly not in places like Southern California where unchecked immigration destroyed my hometown and so many others. But I refuse to accept that the world I grew up in can no longer exist. I want that world back. We must get it back, if we want to survive as “one nation under God.”
I will not conform to the way that “seemeth” right to the modern world—the world, by and large, is lost. It’s flailing about, and does not know its a— from a hole in the ground, as the expression used to go.
My vision of what once was, and what could be is real. I know what America was because I lived it. And I know what America can be because I can see it in my mind’s eye.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, no matter how measured or far away.
Henry David Thoreau
I will march to the beat of that drum I hear, though it may sometimes sound distant or faint. And I’ll march alone if necessary, though you are welcome to join the march!
Old School™ is “just” a blog, and contains a podcast, where I’m starting to interview people who have done something with their lives—something that is useful to others. I’m also developing resources to help you be more healthy and fit, even if you are, to quote the subtitle to my e-book, “Old, Weak, or Broken Down.”
I want to see an old school resurgence of real health and fitness, of entrepreneurism, and the love of independence and freedom. I believe the greatest freedom is the freedom to simply be yourself.
How can I help?
To quote Liam Neeson in Taken, “I have a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career….”
I’ll leave my bio for another day, but in short, I have overcome many injuries and surgeries too over my lifetime. I’m close to 60 now, but I’m in better condition now than I was in more than twenty years ago.
I help people get fit, functional and strong, typically using not much more than their own bodies to do so. They can train anywhere, in natural settings, within short timeframes. They can eat natural food, and not have to obsess over strange diets and endless macro (nutrient) counting.
In short—I can help you find your “inner old school.”
If this sounds attractive to you, then get in touch with me.
My work was once split among fitness, lifestyle and culture. I no longer see a split, it is all the same. “Old School” is simply “what always has worked, and what always will work.”
So welcome to Old School™. It represents the convergence of my skills and passions, and I believe the timing is perfect for it. Many are waking up to the fact that the so-called “wisdom” of the modern world is in fact folly—and following this lock-step insanity is sending so many over the cliff.
It doesn’t have to be this way. And if I have anything to say about it, it won’t be.
I look forward to helping you find the health, success, and freedom you desire.
Patrick Rooney is the Founder of OldSchoolUs.com, a website that believes “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Its focus is Health, Success, and Freedom—yeah, in that order. Patrick is the author of GREEK PHYSIQUE: The Simple, Satisfying Way to Sculpt Your Body—Even if You’re Old, Weak, or Broken Down; and is also the creator of Greek Yoga™ and the Greek Yoga for Beginners video. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].
WOW! Going on “60” Patrick! Amazing as Jesse would say! You are a testament to your ideais and regimen’s success. Great ideas and thoughts with truth and a positive outlook knowing that focusing on that and your health and fitness is a recipe that everyone should follow. Thanks
Thank you so much for your kind words, Tom!