Hello All!
I’ve got a DOUBLE announcement for you here: First, this week’s Old School LIVE Stream will air on FRIDAY night this week (6 PM Pacific Time / 9 PM Eastern Time U.S.) instead of Saturday night. My guest will be my good friend, artist and writer Robert Campbell. We see many things the same way, and many differently, and this makes for interesting discussion.
Our topic is “CONSERVATIVE HYPOCRITES.” This topic just came up naturally in one of our recent conversations, and there’s so much to say about it. Don’t worry, we won’t need much in the way of notes!
LINK TO OLD SCHOOL LIVE STREAM (FRIDAY at 6 PM Pacific Time / 9 PM Eastern Time)
Be sure to click the link, and click the reminder bell so you can be sure not to miss it. Feel free to jump into the “chat”–I’m sure this one will be active!
The second announcement is the reason we moved the Old School LIVE Stream from Saturday night to Friday night:
Dinesh D’Souza is showing the VIRTUAL PREMIER of his new movie 2000 Mules, which shows just how the 2020 Presidential election was stolen–THIS SATURDAY night at 5 PM Pacific Time / 8 PM Eastern Time.
LINK for MORE INFORMATION and TICKETS (2000 MULES) (SATURDAY at 5 PM Pacific Time / 8 PM Eastern Time)
I believe that EVERYBODY needs to see this film, and Saturday night’s virtual premier is a great way to do it.
Dinesh D’Souza has teamed up with Catherine Engelbrecht of “True the Vote” for this film, and I can’t wait to see it. I hope those who are guilty will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And God willing, the American People will come together to ensure that something like this NEVER happens again. Because if it does, America as we know it is OVER.
I look forward to seeing you FRIDAY night at 6 PM Pacific Time / 9 PM Eastern Time for our Old School LIVE Stream; and I hope you see the Premier of 2000 Mules SATURDAY night at 5 PM Pacific Time / 8 PM Eastern Time.
See you soon!
To your Health, Success, and FREE-DOMMMM!!!
Patrick Rooney is the Founder of OldSchoolUs.com. He communicates clearly and fearlessly during perilous times about natural health, success, and freedom. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].
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