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Don’t Feed the BEAST!

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Every year, it seems like everybody jumps on the bandwagon and starts a new diet. Ranking the “best” diets has become a “thing.” I’ve dug far into this sweepstakes myself. There is certainly value in eating well, there’s no doubt about that.

But there’s one diet that never makes the “top ten.” And it is ultimately more important than any and every diet on the list, and that’s the diet of refusing to feed the beast!

What beast? The beast that just about every human being deals with inside themselves.

I got a stark reminder of this when I was on the Internet this morning looking at news, as I’ve been in the habit of doing for decades. I came across the story of how a biased reporter was hired to return to cover the incoming Trump White House, clearly so that she can publicly argue with the President the way she did in his first term.

My first reaction was to begin to get angry about it. But it didn’t quite take, only because I’ve been paying attention to this, especially lately. I’ve just gotten to a point where I do not want to indulge this beast. This beast is insatiable, and will destroy us if allowed to grow. It grows when we don’t watch it!

There is also to tendency to “bond” with politicians we agree with, and when they are attacked, WE feel attacked! This is something we need to keep an eye on too. Politicians do represent us, as people and as citizens, but their proper role is to be the servants of “We, the People.” We can like people, and even love people, but there should always be a slight, healthy distance between ourselves and others.

It is the most “natural” thing in the world to judge our fellow human beings, and sometimes to derive great pleasure out of it. We have divided ourselves comfortably among a number of fault lines, politically is the most obvious and pressing at the moment.

We will never truly succeed as the UNITED States of America by gleefully writing off other Americans. I’ve seen an ugly side of this during the sweeping tragedy of the LA fires. So many disdainfully dismiss this tragedy by saying that California didn’t “vote right.” Well, I agree that Californians and Los Angelenos in particular haven’t chosen their “leaders” wisely. But frankly, ALL of us have messed up in one form or another in our lives. God hasn’t written us off yet!

It reminds me of a line from the movie, Unforgiven, that I’ve never forgotten.

It doesn’t mean we have to agree with others or shouldn’t fight for what we believe is right. But let’s talk “Spirituality 101” for a moment. Is there a popular belief system among us, except Satanism and some offshoots thereof, that says it is right and good to judge and hate our fellow “man”? And believe me, judgment and hatred go together. Just try judging without feeling hatred.

Yet we judge and hate every day.

I don’t want it anymore. I haven’t wanted it for a long time, but it has still lingered within. But what is different now, is that I really don’t want it. I don’t want to indulge in it just a little bit.

You may or may not be with me in this. I understand. Judgment and hatred can just feel so GOOD!

I enjoy watching videos of people screwing up, sometimes spectacularly. But laughing WITH someone has a different feel than laughing AT someone. I was watching a Glenn Beck clip last night. After decades in the cultural and political fight, he has learned (perhaps he already knew and did this, it’s hard to think back) to laugh. Laugh at himself, and laugh–I think–WITH others.

This clip just made me laugh, because Glenn and his co-host were enjoying it so much. I hope I was not laughing AT these corrupt politicians! It just made me laugh in a way that felt healthy! I hope I have not sinned! 🙂

Anyway, let’s keep this in mind moving forward. You may love or hate President Trump. But I do believe that he truly loves this country, and is putting together a team that may employ some “tough love,” but ultimately I believe that many of the changes they are bringing will stave off disastrous policies that made ALL of us much more unsafe and unstable in many ways.

America has suffered a great deal, but I believe we are primed to achieve some things–together–that we have never seen before. It will NOT take all of us, because there are always some who do not WANT prosperity–they want others to suffer the way that they have suffered in their lives. But it will take a great many of us coming together–despite our differences–to rebuild. This goes for Los Angeles, California, and our nation.

Those who refuse to help are those who have allowed the inner BEAST to take hold and destroy their spirit. We cannot allow ourselves to fall to this great temptation. And if we are vigilant, WE WILL NOT FALL! We will rise indeed!

Patrick Rooney is the Founder of He promotes natural health, success, and freedom during chaotic times. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].

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