Hello Everybody!
I just had to go through and clean up my email lists. My site has drawn a lot of spammers, particularly lately. I’ve put in some measures to keep them to a minimum. I do have a list of those who have “Subscribed” to get an email notice every time I publish a new post.
There is NO CHARGE to be on this list. But I do want to make sure that those who want to be on this list ARE on this list, and those who do NOT want to be on this list are not bothered by unwanted emails. So could you do me a favor and let me know what category you want to be in?
If you want to receive or keep receiving my posts, great, just CLICK HERE and let me know. Be sure to tell me the email address you want to receive notifications at.
And if for any reason you have been on the list, but no longer want to be–no problem, just click the above link and tell me, noting the email address you’ve been using.
And if you don’t mind, when you write me, can you let me know what subject matter you like best, and what you like least. It helps me understand what people are interested/not interested in. I am working on some exciting new ideas for a new time, but your feedback is always helpful as I consider what makes sense to concentrate on.
I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, and all the best to you and your loved ones during this crazy and unstable time we’re in. Here’s to–God willing–us coming out of this on the other end, hopefully alive, and in a much better position to help save America–and by extension, your country too if you’re an international reader.
As always…
To Your Health, Success, and FREE-DOMMM!!!
Patrick Rooney is the Founder of OldSchoolUs.com. He promotes natural health, success, and freedom during chaotic times. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].