Hello out there!
I had something of an epiphany this morning as I realized it’s time for more brains, more talent, more value, and perhaps even more fun at Old School!
We have had guest Contributors in the past, and those who have done so have done a great job. I thank you again!
Now I see there was no reason to stop. In fact, I want to expand that beyond written posts to video content too. If you have something of value to say in the world of natural health, success, or freedom–something that fits in with the spirit of this site, I’d like to hear from you.
I don’t have to agree with everything you write or say, but I do need to generally agree with where you’re coming from, and believe that it would be of great value to our audience.
There’s no pay for this, in case you’re wondering! The value is in getting your content out to the world, and if you have a website or email, people could get in touch with you and what you’re doing.
If you or someone you respect is interested, email me, letting me know who you are, what you have done (although lack of experience will NOT disqualify you if you have something to say and can say it well!), and in what area you have expertise/interest/passion.
America and the world badly need hopeful, useful, credible content. Let’s provide that for them!
To Your Health, Success, and Freedom!
Patrick Rooney is the Founder of OldSchoolUs.com. He communicates clearly and fearlessly during perilous times about natural health, success, and freedom. To reach Patrick, email him at [email protected].
To Support the critical work of Old School, go HERE.
I can contribute Patrick, I have lots to share…
I know you do, Fabian. Let’s talk soon.